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Celebrating 102
1922 - 2024
MasterLock ELock Access Procedure & Policies
Keybox is located on far side of front porch.
All key activity is electronically monitored and in full view of a security camera.
- Download the app “MASTERLOCKELOCK” on your Iphone, android, or smart phone.
- Follow the prompts to set up your account.
- Contact Andrew Gee via text message, 716-450-1610, requesting access to key box. This won’t be an immediate response so don’t do this while standing at the key box waiting to gain access.
- Andrew will return a Masterlock invitation to become a guest to your email.
- Follow prompts on your email invitation to become a guest.
To gain access;
Method 1
- Make sure you have blue tooth enabled on your phone.
- Open the Masterlock app on your phone.
- Position your phone less than 1(one) foot away from key box.
- Press any number on keybox, it should open.
- Remove keys and close box.
- Key box must be closed at all times even when keys are being used.
Method 2
- Open Masterlock app on your phone.
- You will automatically receive a temporary code.
- This code automatically changes every 4 hours, and is specific to current user.
- Open key box.
- Remove keys and close box.
- If club remains open for more than 4 hours, repeat opening procedure to open box and secure keys.
- Key box must be closed at all times even when keys are being used.
Please Remember:
- The person who utilizes the Masterlock E-lock system to gain access to the clubhouse and skeet houses is fully responsible for any and all monies, securing of the skeet houses and clubhouse, liable to replacement for any lost keys, and if deemed necessary the cost of having the clubhouse locks re-keyed.
- The code used to access the keypad is electronically registered with the system administrator, and is date/ time stamped. There is no question as to who opened the facility and who is responsible for the above. Remember the security camera?
- The member initially opening the club will be held responsible for the above even though another member chooses to keep the club open after the initial user has left the premises. The member assuming occupancy should have downloaded and registered with the Masterlock Elock app and enter their own code to continue occupying the facility. It’s up to you if you wish to be responsible for someone else’s possible irresponsibility.
- Person who opens the for the purpose of shooting skeet is responsible for collecting and securing all monies from all shooters. He /she must fill out an income summary sheet, deposit monies in a envelope and secure in the black box by the file cabinets. Remember if you are the person who gained access, you are the person responsible.
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